Need urgent repair?
Licensed and Insured
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We provide the following repair services

Kitchen appliances
Washers & Dryers
Commercial appliances
Gas & Electric appliances
Parts replacement
We've got staff 24/7, on call, to help you any time of the day. Call us at (843) 733-7733 if you need urgent repair. If your time is flexible, submit your information above for a quote. Our quotes are usually (depending on your details and complexity of the repair) provided within the hour. If you have any questions, please ask us at Let us know how we can help you!
No Hidden Costs!
Cards Accepted
Competitive Pricing!
Professional workmanship
Satisfaction guaranteed
About Us
At Hero Appliance Repair, we pride ourselves on quality work, friendly customer service and quick turnaround time. We stock the most commonly failing parts for many name brand appliances. If we don't have a part, we leverage our accounts with local suppliers to get you the part as quickly as possible.
Our technicians are trained to solve hard problems with small appliances for residential or commercial use. We have the experience on all major brands, new and older models. Our vehicles are equipped with spare repair parts and that helps us finish home appliance repairs within the same day.